| Assistant() |
 | int CreateHash(ALG_ID alg_id, const unsigned char* msg, unsigned int msgLen, unsigned char* out_hash, unsigned int hashLen) out_hash is a buffer of size hashLen CALG_MD5: hashLen=16 CALG_SHA1: hashLen=20 CALG_SHA_256: hashLen=32 CALG_SHA_384: hashLen=48 CALG_SHA_512: hashLen=64 It returns the hash len or 0 if error. When hashLen is less than the required size, it returns the negative of the required hashLen
 | int Hmac(ALG_ID alg_id, unsigned char* key, unsigned int keyLen, unsigned char* msg, unsigned int msgLen, unsigned char* out_digest) https: www.freeformatter.com/hmac-generator.html Google Microsoft
 | static const wchar_t* GetHmacText(unsigned int authenticationCode) authenticationCode: WIN_HMAC_MD5, WIN_HMAC_SHA1, WIN_HMAC_SHA_256, WIN_HMAC_SHA_384, WIN_HMAC_SHA_512
 | ~ Assistant() |